习近平主席和夫人彭丽媛对英国国事访问 President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan pay a state visit to the UK

哥伦比亚总统佩特罗 Colombian President Petro

菲律宾总统小马科斯 Philippine President Marcos Jr.

菲律宾第一夫人丽莎 Philippines first lady Lisa

莫里·曼叶博士阁下,塞拉利昂驻英国高级专员。 H.E. Dr. Morie Manyeh. High Commissioner of Sierra Leone in UK

His Excellency Mr. Mihnea loan Motoc Ambassador of Romania in UK 米赫内亚·约安·莫托克 罗马尼亚驻英国大使

湖北省委常委宁咏带团访问英国 Ning Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, led a delegation to visit the UK

湖南省副省长张剑飞 Zhang Jianfei, Vice Governor of Hunan Province

英国首相特雷莎·梅 Prime Minister Theresa May

王胜利 (右三) 国务院办公厅行政司原常务副司长 Wang Shengli (third from the right), former Executive Deputy Director of the Administration Department, General Office of the State Council

马勇智 (右三)深圳市深圳市侨联主席 Ma Yongzhi (third from the right), Chairman of the Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Federation

中国驻英大使刘小明 Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK

英国财政部长萨吉德·贾维德UK Finance Minster Sajid Javid

深圳市长许勤 Shenzhen Mayor Xu Qin

深圳代表处王卓 Shenzhen Representative Wang Zhuo

中央电视台主持人撒贝宁 CCTV host Sa Beining

万科集团董事长王石 Wang Shi, Chairman of Vanke Group

周仰杰博士 Prof. Jimmy Choo OBE

马英九主席 Chairman Ma Ying-jeou

香港电影明星吕良伟 Hong Kong movie star Lui Leung-wai

湖南卫视主持人何炅 Hunan TV host He Jiong

胡润 Hurun

湖北省武汉市侨联 The Federation of Overseas Chinese in Wuhan, Hubei Province

中国驻英商务参赞金旭 Jin Xu, Commercial Counselor of China in the UK

湖南青年企业家 Hunan Young Entrepreneurs

岳阳市副市长宋爱华 Song Aihua, deputy mayor of Yueyang City

宿州市副市长邵郁 Shao Yu, Vice Mayor of Suzhou City

贵州省副省长何力 He Li, Vice Governor of Guizhou Province

贵阳市市委书记何刚 He Gang, Secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee

中国男演员张铁林 Chinese actor Zhang Tielin

参加世界华商大会 Participate in the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Conference

杭州市工商联 Hangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce

江苏省工商联 Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce

江苏省侨办 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Jiangsu Province

篮球运动员姚明 Basketball player Yao Ming

篮球运动员姚明 Basketball player Yao Ming

篮球运动员姚明 Basketball player Yao Ming

马云 Jack Ma

深圳市市长及副市长和海外侨领 The mayor and deputy mayor of Shenzhen and overseas Chinese leaders

江苏省商务厅 Jiangsu Provincial Department of Commerce

上海市侨办 Shanghai Overseas Chinese Affairs Office

上海市湖南商会 Shanghai Hunan Chamber of Commerce

上海市工商联 Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce

上海市侨商会 Shanghai Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce

湖南卫视伦敦拍摄 Filmed by Hunan TV in London

哈尔滨副市长带团访英 Deputy Mayor of Harbin leads a delegation to visit UK

深圳前海 Shenzhen Qianhai

湖南科力远集团 Hunan Corun Group

湖南科力远集团 Hunan Corun Group

湖南侨办 Hunan Overseas Chinese Affairs Office

湖南青联企业家商会 Hunan Youth League Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce

湖南新闻联播报道英中经贸交流促进会来访 Hunan News Broadcast Reports on Visit by the UK-China Trade and Economic Promotion Association